St. John the Evangelist


St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in St. Paul, Minnesota is at a point of inflection. As they discern the potential for a capital campaign, St. John's is considering a comprehensive process to foster healthy relationships with money, unpack individual and collective money narratives, and deconstruct dominant systems of power and control as they relate to finances.

It is is time to ask how the projects they've identified align with their values of social justice and care for the world around them. As a progressive faith community, while they  articulate the ways in which their church has been complicit in and intertwined with structures of systemic racism, this potential campaign provides an opportunity for repair and restoration.

We are currently engaged in a listening process to prepare them for a feasibility study and potential capital campaign. During this listening process, we are:

  • Facilitating a congregational-wide survey that asks questions around individual and corporate money narratives, in addition to asking questions around potential capital projects and how they connect with St. John's identity

  • Leading a day-long, in-person retreat to explore our money narratives

  • Providing a report that is rooted in their faith community’s context with recommendations for future practices regarding a holistic relationship


St. David’s Episcopal Church


Insight Meditation Community of Western Massachusetts