Our approach

We always start by listening to you about where you are on your journey: what you are hoping for, inspired by, concerned about. With that preliminary understanding, we look at the reality on the ground, whether it’s an audit of your communications, a review of your fundraising approaches and patterns, or a broader look at your community’s purpose and vision. We hold those things together to assess with you what is needed. Are there gaps to be closed? Is more engagement needed? Do your dreams and aspirations flow naturally from the current state of things?

And because we respect the faith traditions and practices of the organizations we often serve, we always make room for the movement of the intangible (the spirit) that contributes to and guides the decisions you make.

Then, once we understand what you are hoping to achieve, and the context in which those hopes are operating, we work together to create a path forward to reach people and move them with your message, raise the money you need to fulfill your sense of purpose, or reimagine the possibilities to make a difference in your community and beyond.